Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Where Got Hot Conversation?

Screenwriters spend years trying to write realistic dialogue, when all they really need to do is step outside and listen to conversations around them. One website, Overheard In New York, is dedicated to just that- and the results posted range from what a 'booty do' is ("when your belly stick out more than your booty do") to mothers warning their kids, "Remember what happened last time you licked the subway? That's right. You threw up."

To read all this next time you're in transit, pick up a copy of the book version. Or, if you'd prefer to read about conversations happening closer to home, find out what The Taxi Man Says about the location of the Singapore's secret durian forest.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

WhereGotHot Tribe Members?

For your next holiday, why not get away from it all? And by 'all', we really mean everything.

Two British guys have got themselves an island in Fiji, Adventure Island, and are inviting 5000 people to become 'Tribe Members'. You'll go there for 1-3 weeks a year, and live Survivor-style, helping to build your own homes, catch your own food, and make your own fun. Scuba instructors were among the list of people encouraged to apply, so the 'fun' part will probably be a lot more appealing than what kids got up to in Lord of the Flies. The cost is $220 for a week.

Find more FAQ at the Tribe Wanted website. The whole experience will be filmed, though they promise there won't be any forced drama, like with reality TV. If we're allowed to bring a hammock, a good book, and the fixings for strawberry margaritas, then we'll see you there.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

WhereGotHot Young Photographers?

If you like snapping pictures and are under 25, or know someone who is, tell them to enter a contest for the Singapore Young Photographer Award-- they could win $5000 as well as a mentorship with a top photog!

It's being held in conjunction with the nation's 40th birthday, and has categories for everything from portraits to still life to nightlife. You can find the details for it at the SYPA website. The deadline for entry is June 15th, so get out there and get snapping.

For more information, click over to SYPA's website:
Singapore Young Photographer Award

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Where Got Hot Skulls?

Avast, mateys! Keeps your eyes peeled this summer for the symbol that's sneaking onto unexpected things: The skull and crossbones! It's seen here on Citizens for Humanity's Skull & Bunny jeans (go to the eLuxury website to see the bunny pocket).
Skull scarves are also popping up on the horizon, though don't expect to see people wearing them, pirate-style. Tie yours around your neck, waist, purse or whatever else shivers your timbers. Go to to see what they've done with their booty.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Where Got Hot Extreme Sports?

Holidays spent poolside drinking piña coladas are great, but if you're finding that they're all starting to blend into one, try something more exciting- much, MUCH more exciting- like surfing, skydiving or snowkite, oh my!

Extreme Sports Café can hook you up to try these, or a bunch of other activities in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia or even Helsinki. Paramotor looks most interesting to us. It involves hanging from a parasail, but instead of being dragged behind a boat, you're powered by a fan motor strapped to your back, so are free to go wherever you like. It's the closest thing to the jet packs we were promised we'd have back in the 80s.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Where Got Hot Laughs?

Tired of listening to just music on your iPod? Try downloading the latest comedy album from Dane Cook.

Recently featured in Time 100's list of the World's Most Influential People, he's a fast rising star in the world of funny. Only 31, he's already popped up in places like the MTV Video Music Awards and on the Tonight Show.

Go to his website to listen to some of his stand-up and find out what his two-fingered logo means. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for him on HBO, as he'll have specials coming on there starting in June. He's also going to be in movies with names like 'Employee of the Month', and 'Dan in Real Life' (with the other funnyman of the hour, Stephen Colbert).

Monday, May 08, 2006

Where Got Hot Brains?

Let's face it: In this age of software developers becoming rich, and people doing sudoku for fun, being brainy is Hot. So what better way to increase your Hotliness with some brain-boosting exercises from the BBC?
These good people, who just a few years ago tested our I.Q.s, as well as whether we our brains think 'male' or 'female' (we failed miserably at trying to trick the test results), are back promising that in just seven days, we can have better brain-power, with their 'Get Smarter in a Week' challenge.
Give it a try! Seven days is shorter than any diet's ever promised, and what's the worst that can happen- you suddenly lose interest in watching SpongeBob SquarePants?

Click here to begin your brain make-over.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Where Got Hot Explosives?

So the summer blockbuster season has begun with a bang- a bang that apparently flings Tom Cruise against a moving car. With so many choices of things to see this year, are you keen to rush out to watch Mission Impossible:3, or have all of Tom's shenanigans put you off watching his movies (or were you just not planning to see MI:3 anyway)?

Click on the comments section below, and tell us what you think.

P.S. Don't eliminate MI:3 completely if it's Hot actors you want to see- Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is in this too.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Where Got Hot Idol Outcast Songs?

Where is the moment we needed the most? At the end of Wednesday night's American Idol, apparently.

Whether we like what the Idol hopefuls are singing each week, one thing everyone seems to be agreeing on, is that Daniel Powter's song, 'Bad Day' is super catchy.

Now at #1 on iTunes downloads as well as other charts, it's safe to say that these days Powter is probably singing a much more happy tune.
Click here to hear it for yourself.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Where Got Hot Codes?

The Da Vinci Code movie is only 18 days away. If you haven't read it, or like us, lent your book away and never saw it again, order another one now and do a quick refresher read- or read a book about the book.
If you're feeling like getting even more involved, play The Da Vinci Code Quest with Google. It's a game you can play each day online to solve Da Vinci Code-like puzzles. We're about to start now, so feel free to contact us for hints (if we can figure any out).
Da Vinci Code Quest with Google